Fauna & Habitat Assessments
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Fauna & Habitat Assessments
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Fauna & Habitat Assessments
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Fauna & Ecological Habitat Assessment Surveys

Spectrum’s team of experienced zoologists have conducted numerous terrestrial fauna assessments, surveys and monitoring services across Perth and throughout Western Australia (as well as the Northern Territory and Victoria) including the Kimberley, Pilbara, Western Deserts, Mid-west, Geraldton Sandplains, Swan Coastal Plain, Goldfields and the South-West. Spectrum’s zoology team completes all levels of terrestrial fauna assessments (vertebrate and Short Range Endemic (SRE) invertebrate fauna). Spectrum also has access to a diverse network of specialist zoologists, ecologists, and taxonomists who can be called upon to ensure that your project is completed by the most knowledgeable team possible. The team is highly experienced in survey design, meeting all relevant Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for fauna assessments, technical guidance and national threatened species survey guidelines.

Vertebrate and Invertebrate fauna surveys

Basic Survey

Fauna habitat mapping and inventory for baseline assessments

Basic fauna surveys are conducted to assess the fauna habitat types and the general fauna assemblage present at a specific area.
Fauna species are assessed by using non-invasive survey techniques such as active searches, ornithological surveys, soil and leaf litter sieving and foraging techniques. These may be supplemented by motion cameras and passive acoustic recorders. Fauna habitat mapping notes are taken and digitalised in the office to complete the dataset. Data collected during a basic fauna survey can assist in determining the likelihood of conservation significant (Threatened or Priority) fauna to occur.

Spectrum’s zoologists have conducted basic fauna survey across Western Australia. Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your next Basic Fauna Survey.

Fauna habitat assessments & Monitoring

Detailed Survey

Fauna community assessment and comprehensive fauna inventory for baseline surveys.

Detailed terrestrial fauna surveys utilise a variety of survey techniques, such as trapping programs and non-invasive techniques. The range of trap types is determined based on fauna guidelines, and to target a large variety of fauna species potentially occurring on site. Non-invasive survey techniques are used to complement the trapping program, and to target species not typically detected using traps, or species that inhabit habitats that are not easily accessed for trapping (e.g. too remote). Detailed fauna surveys are typically designed to assess the fauna habitats and fauna assemblage of a specific area, including the presence or likelihood of conservation of significant fauna to occur.

Contact us to discuss your detailed terrestrial fauna survey requirements

Targeted Survey

Threatened & Priority Fauna

Targeted surveys incorporate the use of species-specific survey techniques which are based on federal guidelines and advice. These include but are not limited to infrared motion sensitive cameras, cage traps and Aluminium box traps, passive acoustic recorders, eDNA samples, scat collections, active searches, and road spotting.

Spectrum are well experienced in applying Species Distribution Modelling (SDM), to statistically determine the most likely areas of occurrence within a specific area, based on spatial layers and background information. This enables species specific habitat mapping with minimal survey effort.

Spectrum’s zoologists have completed targeted surveys for a large range of conservation significant fauna species in Western Australia.

Contact us to see how we can assist you in your next Targeted Fauna survey

Fauna Monitoring Programs

Fauna Monitoring

Annual monitoring of threatened and priority fauna

Monitoring programs for Threatened fauna species can be applied by utilising species specific survey and monitoring techniques, both invasive and non-invasive. These are based on the species-specific guidelines, requirements, and government advice.

Spectrum’s zoologists can develop and implement cost-effective, highly informative fauna monitoring programs that meet compliance requirements, using a range of methods and technologies, including infrared motion sensitive cameras, a variety of cage and Aluminium box traps, passive acoustic and ultrasonic recorders, DNA analysis of scat samples and other tissue, collection of eDNA samples, and active searches.

Spectrum is experienced in completing annual monitoring for Threatened species such as (but not be limited to) the Northern Quoll, Greater Bilby, Ghost Bat, Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat, Pilbara Olive Python, Migratory Shorebirds, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo as well as Short Range Endemic invertebrate species across WA.

Contact us to discuss your fauna monitoring program requirements.

Contact us today

Let’s discuss how we can help you develop a vegetation condition monitoring program that effectively integrates remote sensing technology and on-ground monitoring techniques to significantly reduce cost whilst satisfying Government Regulator requirements.

Contact us now for a free quote on your project